Accessing & Navigating within the Data Portal

The Data Portal is accessible when viewing projects within the Management Portal. See the steps below to know how to access your project data.


Steps to connect to Data Portal:

You must already be connected to our Management Portal via steps outlined in article: How to login to the Management Portal

  1. Within the Management Portal click on the "Projects" menu
  2. Locate the project desired by typing in a portion of the name of the project in the "Search" menu or scrolling to the project and then clicking the  menu to the far right of the project
  3. This will bring you to the Data Portal for that specific project and allow you to run reports, view data, associated to your organization for that project

Menus available within the Data Portal


The "Details" menu will display the Name, Code, Stationing Unit and License Requirement for that project.

Dropped Flags

The Dropped Flags menu will allow you to view and export flag data as well as use an interactive map to see the flag details or select the flags desired for export.  For more information on this see articles:

  1. Map Interaction to Select Flag Data
  2. View and Exporting Flag Data

Material Dumps

If you have an integration with OnStation and FleetWatcher, your Material Dump data will display here in the "Material Dumps" menu.  

Clicking on "view" for the line item of interest will display that material dump ticket information detail. 

Additional Knowledge Base Article Information on FleetWatcher:


Forms Summary

The Forms Summary menu allows you to view and export your organizations form data. For more information on this see article: View and Export Project Form Data


NOTE:  User must have Manager permissions to access this menu this function.  Additionally,  a Data Package is required for accessing and using all of the tools within the Data Portal. Speak with your Account Rep if you would like to discuss adding this feature or click here to learn more.  If you are running into issues exporting the data, click on the Contact Us page to Contact OnStation Support to assist with any issues you may encounter.