Adding Users

Learn how to add and grant users within your organization permission to use OnStation.

1. You can reach the user portal via our main website

2. Click the Login button at the top right corner of the webpage, and that will redirect you to the portal login

3. Input your mobile number or email address and click "SEND LOGIN CODE". A 6 digit code will then be texted or emailed to you depending on which login method you chose.

4. Enter the code you received and the webpage will automatically sign you into the portal without having to click the "verify code" button

5. On the left of your screen, you will see a tab selection menu that resembles the photo below. Select the "Team" option 

6. You will now see a screen that looks like this. As you add users, they will all be visible and listed below, on this page as well.

7. At the top of this page above the search bar, you will now be able to click "add user"

8. Fill out the "ADD NEW USER" form

Note: E-mail, First name, Last name, Organization and cell phone number are required. Job title is optional and can be edited at another time if needed.

9. After inputting all required information click the "add user" button at the bottom right corner

10. You will now see your new user added to the list of current users within the organization!

11. CELEBRATE!! You have successfully added a new user within the OnStation Management Portal. Well done!


Only OnStation Managers can add/edit users for a company on their desktop within the Portal. You can add account manager permissions as well, see this article here to walk you through the process - Add Managers to account


If you need immediate support or would like us to add users for you, please do not hesitate to contact our support line with any support needs or questions!


We can be reached via phone or the customer support form found on our "contact us" page

Call - (216) 503-8554

Text - (216) 503-8554

Contact us web page - Ways to contact us!