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How to enable In-App Training for your users

With the OnStation In-App training, OnStation Managers can update their teams user accounts to display or re-enable training. This helps onboard new team members much faster. See the steps below.

Note: If you're not familiar with or need a refresher on how to log into the Management Portal, see related article: How to login to the Management Portal.


  1. While logged into the Management Portal, locate the team member name under the Team menu panel
  2. Click on the  person icon to the far right of the team member's name
  3. Click on the Trainings Menu
  4. Click on the Training Sessions you want to enable or re-enable for this person or click on the box in the upper left hand corner to select all
  6. You will see an alert that pops up noting "Trainings assigned successfully!".  You will also see the assigned column will update to True
  7. As the team member completes the training course you will see the completed and completed on columns update

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