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Edit User Information via Portal

Managers can use the Portal to update user details across their organization.


Note: These steps regarding Editing Users are performed in the OnStation Portal.  For information on how to log into the portal see article:  How to login to the portal


  1. Log into the OnStation Portal.
  2. You should be defaulted to the Team tab.
  3. Find the user you would like to edit and click on the person icon to the far right .
  4. Click the Pen icon next to the field you want to edit.
  5. Click SAVE when edits have been completed or CANCEL as needed

    Note: You can currently edit a user's name, title, and phone number.


    Your User Account

    But wait - what about editing your own account? "I don't see myself on the list" you exclaim!  It's ok, you're there.  We wouldn't exclude you.  Click on your own name at the top left-corner of the portal.  Go on, do it.  Edit away at your own profile.  See video below.  We must caution, with power comes great responsibility so use this power wisely.