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How To Lock / Unlock Station & Alignment or Route

Multiple alignments or Routes within a close proximity can cause our system to try and determine which alignment is applicable. To override that you can lock which alignment or route in order to provide you with accurate location

Tip: see the "Adding a Project to your Account" article to see ways to search and open a project

Station Locking

Station Locking is only available on projects where we have Station information for that location.  If this is something you are not seeing on your project and have this information available to provide to us, please submit this information to us via the Project Submission Process - Submit Project Updates section..  

  1. Open the project within OnStation
  2. Within the Station Finder, if no alignment is currently selected, tap on the                         "Select an Alignment" option  
    1. If there IS an alignment / station location already selected and it's the one you want to lock, skip to step 4. ( Wish to select a different alignment? Proceed to step "C" )
    2. Now that you've tapped "Select an alignment" you should see a list of alignments that exist within the project
    1. Once you have selected an alignment (Taxiway L, for this example) you will notice that 
      has been replaced by and a station location has become visible
    1. If for any reason you'd like to select a different alignment to lock onto, simply tap (Taxiway L) as if it were the "select an alignment" option and the list of alignments will appear for you to choose from

3.     You can type in a specific Station location (for example 700+00) and tap "Go to Location"                and it will take you to that Station Location on that Alignment
4.     You can also leave the Station info blank, and then tap  "Go to Location" and it             will take you to the very beginning of that alignment 

  1. 5.   Once you have selected an alignment and a specific station location, you will notice that the lock icon next to the alignment name has changed from a 
        "Green unlocked icon" to a "Yellow locked icon"
  2. 6.  You will notice if you start to navigate the map, that the station location will continue to         update as you move around but the alignment itself will stay locked onto that specific             alignment and display the "Yellow locked icon"
  3. 7.   From this point on you could do multiple things
    1. Toggle from locked to unlocked by simply tapping the lock icon
    2. Select another alignment via the list and type in a specific station location ( Yellow locked icon will remain enabled)
    3. Tap on the lock icon to unlock it, then walk or drive to another station and tap on the lock again to relock

Route Locking

Route Locking Is only available on projects where we have Mile Marker and Route information for that location.  If this is something you are not seeing on your project and have this information available to provide to us, please submit this information to us via the Project Submission Process - Submit Project Updates section..  

In the event that you are working on two routes that intersect or want to differentiate between East and West bound lanes on a route,  you can perform the following steps to lock onto the route location. 

  1. Open the project within OnStation
  2. Navigate to the Station Finder menu and tap on MM. 
    1. If you're  not seeing this already displayed, tab on the green upwards pointing arrow located above the Flags menu.  You will see this at 6 o'clock on the menu and tap the green arrow icon above the word Flags
  3. If a route is already selected under the Mile Marker Menu you can tap on the Route Name to select an alternate route OR to lock into the existing route.  In the Example below you would tap on Route: 090 E
  4. You would then see the available routes based on your location of your crosshairs icon on the map. 
    1. Note: If you are not seeing the route(s) you expect make sure you are displaying the cross hairs at a location where this route exists on the project map
  5. Once you have selected the route desired, you will then be prompted for the Mile Marker location on that route.
  6. Tapping on "Go to Location" will then bring you to that Mile Marker location and display a gold lock icon via the route to indicate you are locked onto that particular route
  7. See Video demonstration below

Every team and every person may have a different way to incorporate this feature into there workflow, but the main objective for this tool is to make your jobs easier and hopefully safer. If there is any way we can build on those core goals, we'd love to hear your feedback!

As always we are here to help and make OnStation as easy to use as possible for you and your team. It is a goal of ours to reach a point where our app is your favorite tool on-site!

If you have any questions, our support team is just a text, phone call or submission form away! Do not hesitate to reach our with any inquires or suggestions you may have.


We can be reached via phone or the customer support form found on our "contact us" page

Call - (216) 503-8554

Text - (216) 503-8554

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