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How To Filter Flags by Date

On a busy project we know finding and sorting through dropped flags can be time consuming, so use this trick to cut down time locating specific flags

  1. Open the OnStation app
      1. image-png-Apr-11-2024-08-40-41-1616-PM
  2. The app will open up to your most recently viewed project per usual
      1. image-png-May-03-2024-06-41-59-8581-PM
  3. Tap the "Flags" option at the bottom center portion of the screen
  4. This page will open on the flags tab, listing all of the current flags that have been dropped on the project
  5. Tap the "Filter" tab right next to "flags"
  6. You will see a section titled "Date Filter" with 2 options available
    1. Start date
    2. End date
      1. Pretty straight forward huh😉
  7. Input the dates range you would like to filter your flags by. It could be just todays date that you want to view flags from 
      1. For example: (Start date- May 9th) (End date- May 9th). Filtering this way would display all of the flags dropped or edited on May 9th
      1. Or you could input a wide date range: (Start date- Jan 1st) (End date- May 9th). You guessed it, filtering this way would display all flags dropped or edited January 1st to May 9th
  1. After inputting your date range all you will need to do is tap on the "Flags" tab once again and you will be taken to the list of filtered flags that you wanted to see
  2. And just as a cherry on top, viewing these flags in listed format is not the only way you can view them 
  3. Go ahead and minimize the flags menu by tapping the down arrow in the top right corner
  4. You will notice now, that the only flags visible on the project map are the ones that you filtered for


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