Making a Project Available for Offline Mode

There are times when you may have low or no cell service when out at a project. Whether you know ahead of time that the service may be limited or not, its a good idea to make that project Available Offline just in case your reception is lost.


NOTE:  This feature is not available on the web app but is available for the Android and iOS Apps.  

  1. Open the Project within the OnStation App before heading to the location.
  2. Navigate to the in the upper right hand corner of the app
  3. Tap Project Settings menu
  4. Slide the menu toggle next to the "Available Offline" menu option
  5. You will see a status indicator giving you a percentage of download completion until fully downloaded
  6. If you attempt to close this window before the files are fully downloaded you will receive an alert that warns you that the Offline Map Download has not completed and ask if you want to continue downloading or cancel the download
  7. Once the download completed the menu will be updated to show this project has been enabled for you to be available offline