Downloading the OnStation App

First things first, let’s download the app on your device. You can download OnStation on both iOS and Android devices.

iOS Devices

  1. From a Home screen, tap App Store App store .
    1. If an app isn't available on your Home screen, swipe left to access the App Library.
    2. To install apps, you must sign in with your Apple ID or create one.
  2. To search for apps by name, tap Search (at the bottom) then enter OnStation.
  3. Tap the app.
  4. Tap GET then tap INSTALL .
    1. If you have a compatible iPhone with Face ID enabled, double-tap the Side button then look at the screen to authenticate.
  5. If prompted, sign in to the App Store to complete the install.

-After requesting an app on your Apple ® iPhone ® , you may be asked to verify your identity by entering your passcode or by using Touch ID or Face ID.

Android Devices

  1. From the Home screen, navigate: Apps icon > Play Store.
    1. If unavailable, swipe up from the center of the display then tap Play Store.
  2. To download, tap the Google Play search bar (at the top) then enter OnStation or tap the Microphone icon to speak the app name.
  3. Select the app then tap Install.
  4. To continue, review the required app permissions then tap Accept.

You’ll receive a message asking if OnStation can send you notifications, make sure to click accept! We send important about the project your working on through these notifications.